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Why Learn to Meditate?
Why is the Introduction to
Meditation Course Right for Me?
Clear Steps
The ITM course moves you forward in easy, clear, logical steps from your normal waking state through deeper levels of mind to arrive at your Soul.
Your meditation practice will grow ever stronger as you advance through the course.
Your meditation practice will grow ever stronger as you advance through the course.
Growing Mastery
Each lesson will give you greater knowledge of the nature of your mind and how every piece plays a key role and offers a unique gift..
Every meditation will deepen this process, increasing your insight and perspective about how consciousness is structured .
Every meditation will deepen this process, increasing your insight and perspective about how consciousness is structured .
New Abilities
Discerning through the practice of meditation how the mind is structured brings realization. We strip away the assumptions and guesswork to arrive at understanding and clear orientation.
In eastern traditions, they call this process building the Antahkarana - a bridge of understanding leading from the lower to the higher mind or Soul.
The ITM course gives you the foundation for advanced meditation practice, leading to increased success and improved results for you as a meditator.
In eastern traditions, they call this process building the Antahkarana - a bridge of understanding leading from the lower to the higher mind or Soul.
The ITM course gives you the foundation for advanced meditation practice, leading to increased success and improved results for you as a meditator.
Why Proper Training Matters: